7 Important Interior Design Tips

TIP 1: Always order samples
It might sound obvious, but many home decorators overlook samples when overcome with excitement about transforming their interiors. From wallpaper and paint, to flooring and fabrics, you should always order a selection of samples before committing to any specific material. Place the samples together, look at their quality and visualize how all the elements will work together in the room. You could even get crafty and create a mood-board, full of all your favorite swatches.

TIp 2: forget symmetry

TIP 3: Use curves & arches

TIp 4: plan thoroughfares

tip 5: style book shelves right

tip 6: let the floors do the talking

tip 7: don't be afraid of negative space
As tempting as it is, fight the urge to fill every wall and shelf, otherwise you’re in danger of your room scheme feeling cluttered. Instead, leave a few areas free to gain some much-needed breathing room and a better sense of space. Painting a door and its frame the same color as your walls is a good trick, as it helps the woodwork to blend in, giving the illusion of a larger blank area.

Lori Shaw